Medicinal Sea Hibiscus

Recommended for: Multi-purpose: skin conditions, infections, fever.

sea hibiscus

The sea hibiscus plant is used for as a medicinal plant for multiple purposes. It is used more commonly for food, medicine and fibre. As well as being a soothing plant for injuries, Sea Hibiscus can be helpful for coughs, sore throats, skin conditions, eye injuries, various infections, stomach pain, sprained muscles and bones and even fevers.

As a medicinal plant, both the sea hibiscus flowers and the sap are used in a variety of medicines.

The plant leaves can be used in a paste for cores, cuts and open wounds. Medicinally, skin diseases can be helped significantly by the introduction of the plant. With menstruation, the fluid from the plant can be used to help with the delay of a menstrual period.

In Malaysia and Indonesia, the leaves are considered cooling and therefore used for controlling fever. The leaves are also used as a soothing agent and to remove phlegm from the respiratory passages. In the Philippines, the mucilaginous water, obtained by soaking fresh bark in water, is prescribed for dysentery.

Common Name: Sea Hibiscus

Family: Malvaceae

Genus: Hibiscus

Where can you get this Treatment?

Indonesia and Malaysia

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