Are you getting the right nutrients?

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Maintaining a healthy diet and following an exercise routine are key pillars of health. While these are more obvious solutions to becoming healthier, nutrient intake is less obvious. Receiving a wide variety of nutrients has the ability to cleanse our immune systems and benefit our mental health. Unfortunately, many adults lack various nutrients in their diet. There is one easy solution to this, taking vitamins!

Some common nutrient deficiencies in adults include iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, iodine, calcium and magnesium. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, causing shortness of breath and tiredness. A lack of vitamin D can cause the bones to become more fragile, sometimes leading to osteoporosis. Vitamin B12 helps to keep nerve and blood cells healthy, but without it, our bodies recover from injury less efficiently. These are just a few examples of how vitamin deficiencies can impact the body. 

Worry not! There are countless vitamins available that help reduce these nutrient deficiencies. Vitamins help heal wounds, boost your immune system, and help you live an overall healthy life. Don’t forget that many vitamins and nutrients are in the foods you eat.

Check out myvitamins for special deals and offers.

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