Mountains bring a breath of fresh air for asthma sufferers

Mountain air

Around 5 million people in the UK suffering from asthma. There has been a startling rising death rate of 20 per cent in five years. Cures, relief therapies and environmental conditions are vital. These are  especially so with rising summer temperatures, hay fever and high pollen counts.

Air pollution causes the inside of lungs to become inflamed which makes it difficult for those with asthma to breathe.  Less pollution means less inflammation making breathing easier.

. And these vital statistics can be found in mountain terrains such as the Southern French Alps which offers 12,000-km² of pollution-free purity. The air in the Southern French Alps has more benefits than other Alpine areas due to its unique low humidity and lack of heavy industry. This area benefits from 300 days of sunshine per year, topping up vital Vitamin D.

There have also been multiple studies over the years into the effectiveness of high altitude treatment for  those suffering with lung diseases.  High altitudes allow for clearer air and are mostly free from bugs such as dust mites which can cause asthma symptoms to worsen.

High-altitude treatment for asthma sufferers is not a new concept. People with lung diseases have been sent to the mountains as treatment for over a century.

For information on mountain escapes ideal for asthma sufferers,

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