Move, Chew, Breathe……..Start a new regime today
Increase your moves. The popular number of active steps is 10,000 steps a day.But it doesn’t have to be all about counting steps. A variety of moves and activities is good to avoid repetitive routines and boredom in exercise. So why not include weight-based exercises twice a week. Steps could be swapped with cycling or an online pilates class. As long as exercise is included in your day, it will help to aid digestion, release tension and lead to you to a good nights sleep.
Breathe correctly. Take a moment to check how you breathe. Get into the habit of breathing into your stomach area and fill to your collarbone. Then slowly release the breath. It is beneficial to do this for 3 minutes before breakfast. Breathing helps to aid anxiety.
Eat earlier. If you enjoy dining late, try to move your last meal of the day earlier, and no later than 7pm. Choose a lighter meal. This helps digestion and provides more time for your body to prepare for sleep.
Chew and chew. By chewing for longer it makes it easier for the body to break down the food, helping your digestion. You will also appreciate the flavours and textures of food. In fact, it is recommended to chew 40 – 60 times! However, this may mean you could get bored of the meal before you. And if it was served hot, it will be cold by the time you have finished. But it will mean you eat less and may help with weight loss. And your body will appreciate it.
It only takes a few tweeks in a day’s routine to add healthy practices.