
Recommended for: Stress, sleep disorders, and mood disturbances such as depression and anxiety

Lavender aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a technique that is used to treat stress, sleep disorders, and mood disturbances such as depression and anxiety. “Essential Oils” taken from plants and minerals are rubbed into the skin or inhaled. Scents trigger neurotransmitters that stimulate specific parts of the brain, resulting in an enhanced mood.

Most essential oils come from herbs, flowers and parts of trees. These plants produce the fragrances that support aromatherapy such as lavender, lemon, chamomile, and cedarwood, and become essential oils once they are extracted from the particular plants they come from. These oils enhance mood, relaxation and relieve stress by activating parts of the brain when inhaled or or rubbed on the skin. One of the most beneficial chemicals created through this therapeutic process is serotonin, which is commonly used in many antidepressants and anxiety medications. A lack of serotonin can cause serious digestion and sleep problems and contribute to anxiety and depression. Aromatherapy is beneficial in stabilising feelings of happiness, relaxation, and mood. These oils are also said to activate your limbic system, the part of the brain that is heavily involved in emotions and behaviours. These areas of the brain regulate blood pressure and heart rate, enhance cognitive processing and support fear conditioning and emotional long-term memory. “Flight or fight” is an automatic response everyone has to a stressful or dangerous scenario, meaning the brain decides whether the response to a threat is going to enable you to run or face the feeling head on. It is a physiological reaction as a means of survival and imperative to behavioral responses to danger. 

Aromatherapy is used in a variety of forms: diffusers, inhalers, bathing salts, facial steamers, face masks, oils, creams, hot and cold compresses, lotions, and aromatic spritzers. Not only can these treatments support healthy sleep and reduce depression and anxiety, they can also manage physical pain and treat sore joints, headaches and migraines, fight bacterias and viruses, improve digestion, and boost immunity. 

Even though aromatherapy is generally proven to be safe, it is imperative to consult your doctor and an aromatherapist before treating as essential oils are not yet regulated by the FDA. 

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