Do you have that gut feeling?

Got that gut feeling?

Got that gut feeling? Is your stomach area feeling uncomfortable? Then take a closer look at the types of food you are choosing. How do you eat them? How do they create that gut feeling?

How to relieve that gut feeling

The fermentation of food products has been used for thousands of years to preserve and create flavour to food. This process is used in Japan and Korea and is a key element of their cultural cuisine. It’s used in foods such as Kimchi, Miso and Soy Sauce.

Closer to home, fermentation is used in cheese, beer, yogurt and bread. Most contain live bacterial cultures or probiotics of good, friendly bacteria. Consumption of these live micro-organisms improves and restores our gut flora and gives health benefits for improving digestion and that gut feeling.

Tips on healing that gut feeling

Eat slowly and on a regular basis

Have smaller and frequent meals

Aim for five portions of different vegetables and fruits each day

Choose gut friendly foods such as fibre, whole grains, low fat meat and fish, good fats and oils and fermented dairy products

Maintain a healthy body weight

Exercise regularly

And drink plenty of pure water and avoid sugary, caffeinated drinks.

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